Friday 15 May 2015

4 absolutely convincing reasons to enroll your kid into a preschool

Mumbai is the busy buzzing city with so much life and chaos. She has seen decades of immigrants and residents. She has transitioned from Bombay to Mumbai and the transition has never stagnated. With so many years of experience and so much competition it has been a home to the best educational institutions for the future generations of artists, scientists, lawyers, doctors, engineers… But it all begins with the small steps the dicey nervous steps of the tiny feet in the various homes, play schools and kindergartens of Mumbai.  
None but a parent will understand the importance of these formative years of a child’s growth. These years make the children who they are in the years to come. Active younger brains make brighter future brains, this does not mean better development only of the left or the right brain i.e. practical or creative mind it means a wholesome growth of an individual. studies show that the more physical and mental activity the children have in the earlier years, the higher their scores in school, particularly in the basic subjects of math, English and reading, they also turn out to be bolder and more creative.

Here are a few convincing reasons why good playschools are important for kids.
1. Working parents: In metropolitan cities like Mumbai where both parents are working, there is no better option than play school.
Children need attention and support during this period which they get at play schools.
2. Demanding kids: Young children between the age groups of 2-4 are very attention-seeking and demanding by nature, which need to be catered to in the right way and at the right time.
People at good playschools are well-equipped and trained for handling children of this age group.
3. Develops basic skills: Studies have shown that guided training in the pre-schools develops in the children better motor and emotive skills.
These kids tend to do better in school and high school.
4. Builds Confidence:  Children if given proper attention at this age respond better to varied situations. They are bolder and tend to have better confidence levels.
Parents would obviously hunt down the best play school in Mumbai for their little ones. This would be a great decision since it helps not only the children but also the parents. Be sure to check credentials and find a trustworthy play school in your own vicinity to stay close to your child.
But do not forget what you can do as a parent for your child not even the best play school in Mumbai can do. Love them and don’t ever be so busy that you lose out of the precious, moments of their childhood.
Cheers! Enjoy the happy times.